
艺术- 2024年秋季


Classes meet in person on campus; specific days/times/location
Classes meet fully online; no specific days/times/locations
Classes meet via Zoom or other resource; specific days/times
混合型-在线异步 & 在线同步(缩放)
A portion of the classes meet synchronous via Zoom or other resource and a portion is asynchronous online; there will be some specific days/times
混合型-网上 & 面对面
A portion of the classes meet in person on campus and a portion is asynchronous or synchronous online; there will be some specific days/times/locations
混合型-在线异步 & 在人
Classes meet in both asynchronous online and in-person modes; specific meeting times and locations for in-person portions of classes are listed with each course
混合-在线同步(缩放) & 在人
Classes meet in both synchronous online (Zoom) and in-person modes; specific meeting times and locations are listed with each course
结合在线和面对面的教学. 学生可参加 不同的方式:在线-同步, 在线-异步, 面对面的, or as a flexible learner (student has a degree of choice as to how they participate each week).
Flex courses may provide students with the opportunity to meet in-person 在校园里,在已经安排好的同步日期和时间,如果 条件允许.
估算credits are developmental courses for students who need to prepare 大学水平的工作. 它们被计入经济援助 但不计入获得的大学credits或GPA.
Classes are taught live from one campus location and broadcast to one or 更多的校园地点. 所有地点都有摄像头和麦克风 允许教师和学习者互相看到和交谈.
图纸I - 4491
1510年艺术 – 3 credits
拿一个. 杰弗瑞

Students will gain a working knowledge of foundation skills and abilities in artistic visual expression. 向学生介绍绘画媒介和概念. Students learn to draw perceived objects and become able to discuss the drawings meaningfully. 没有必要. 秋天,春天. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月27日- 12月20日 星期二,星期四 上午8:15 - 10:10
二维设计和颜色- 4474
1530年艺术 – 3 credits
麦迪逊米. Lavallee

Students will explore 两个-dimensional design problems through controlled and experimental sequences of exercises in drawing, 抽象的黑白构图, 以及基本色彩理论及其在设计中的应用. 重点放在培养学生上?s personal appreciation and creative expression rather than professional skill. Students will learn ways of expressing themselves creatively through 两个-dimensional space through the exploration of visual design elements such as line, form, 规模, color, texture as well as explore design principles of surface organization such as repetition, 平衡, 节奏, 各种, 和强调. Students will learn to mix a calibrated range of tones and colors and gain experience using value, 色调和饱和度与油漆和拼贴. This course fosters the utilization of intuitive judgements of serious play. 没有必要. J下降. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月26日- 12月20日 Mon, Wed 上午10:15 -下午12:10
三维设计/概念/材料- 4473
1540年艺术 – 3 credits
麦迪逊米. Lavallee

Students will experience studio activities which will help them understand and manipulate visual elements and principles while creating three-dimensional forms. Students will work in a 各种 of visual media with emphasis on selection of materials to promote concepts, 并将体验视觉艺术的基本制作技术. Critical evaluation and discussion of projects is an integral part of the course. 没有必要. J春天. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月27日- 12月20日 星期二,星期四 下午1:30 - 3:25
陶瓷I - 4488
1590年艺术 – 3 credits
Vu T. 在香港

Students will gain a working knowledge of fundamental and advanced studio work in clay preparation, 手的建筑, 扔, 机械模具, 注浆成型法, 釉的制备, 装饰技术, 以及烧制技术. 没有必要. 秋天,春天. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月27日- 12月20日 星期二,星期四 下午3:45 - 5:40
工作室项目-陶瓷I - 4489
1620年艺术 – 3 credits
Vu T. 在香港

Students will build upon previous studio course experiences in advanced studio production courses under art faculty supervision. Students who have completed the basic and intermediate (as applicable) courses in drawing, 陶瓷, 摄影, 电子艺界, 设计或绘画, 可以注册一个, 两个, 或者每学期三个小时的工作室课程credits. Students are expected to spend 两个 hours in studio work each week for each credit hour anticipated. 工作室问题课程是由每个学生发起的, 和老师一起, creating an acceptable course outline and evaluation process for the work of the semester. In some cases, a group studio problem experience may be initiated by visual arts faculty. Students achieving 12 credit hours in art studio problems must obtain permission from the arts and humanities assistant dean to take additional coursework (for credit) in art. 先决条件:一个工作室的艺术课程在集中区域. 我偶尔. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月26日- 12月20日 Mon, Wed 下午3:45 - 5:40
工作室项目-图纸I - 4531
1620年艺术 – 3 credits
拿一个. 杰弗瑞

Students will build upon previous studio course experiences in advanced studio production courses under art faculty supervision. Students who have completed the basic and intermediate (as applicable) courses in drawing, 陶瓷, 摄影, 电子艺界, 设计或绘画, 可以注册一个, 两个, 或者每学期三个小时的工作室课程credits. Students are expected to spend 两个 hours in studio work each week for each credit hour anticipated. 工作室问题课程是由每个学生发起的, 和老师一起, creating an acceptable course outline and evaluation process for the work of the semester. In some cases, a group studio problem experience may be initiated by visual arts faculty. Students achieving 12 credit hours in art studio problems must obtain permission from the arts and humanities assistant dean to take additional coursework (for credit) in art. 先决条件:一个工作室的艺术课程在集中区域. 我偶尔. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月27日- 12月20日 星期二,星期四 上午8:15 - 10:10
图一:数码摄影- 4476
1670年艺术 – 3 credits
标志着. 樱桃酒

将向学生介绍这一理论, 摄影的实践和历史, 重点是数字图像的制作. Students will learn the basic principles of digital cameras and digital printing and how to use them in the context of the visual language of 摄影. 这是一个动手的工作室艺术课程, which will provide students with the necessary tools to understand the conceptual, 通过讲座介绍摄影的视觉和历史方面, 演讲, 和讨论. 没有必要. 我偶尔. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月27日- 12月20日 星期二,星期四 下午1:30 - 3:25
平面设计I - 4487
1730年艺术 – 3 credits

Students will be introduced to graphic design concepts and skills as a form of visual communication. Fundamentals of language and principles of graphic design structure with an emphasis on media for development of ideas and imagery. 学生将研究, 创建缩略图, 完善草图, 并制定视觉解决方案, 将这些组件集成到他们的设计项目中. Students focus on the details of page composition and the relationship of space to clarity, 易读性与美学. 没有必要的. 秋天,春天. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月27日- 12月20日 星期二,星期四 上午10:15 -下午12:10
版式和布局- 4478
1740年艺术 – 3 credits

Students will explore the impact of well designed typography to any visual medium that uses text, 包括视频, 电影, 印刷出版物, 以及基于网络的平台. 本课程是对类型作为形式的深入探索. Students begin with a close study of letterforms followed by projects that explore basic principles of typography such as hierarchy and alignment, 视觉序列, 和网格系统. An essential course for students interested in pursuing a career in graphic design. 前提条件:1730年艺术. J春天. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月26日- 12月20日 Mon, Wed 上午10:15 -下午12:10
绘画I - 4475
2510年艺术 – 3 credits
拿一个. 杰弗瑞

Students will create paintings in a 各种 of media and concepts as well as gain understanding of the potential of a visual creator. 学生们用水彩画, 水粉画, 丙烯酸, and oil on paper supports and are required to produce a portfolio of paintings with evaluation based on technical growth and exploration of visual ideas. 先决条件/共同条件:1510年艺术或1530年艺术. 我偶尔. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月27日- 12月20日 星期二,星期四 上午10:15 -下午12:10
艺术+设计:投资组合 & 教授- 4341
2560年艺术 – 4 credits
麦迪逊米. Lavallee

Students will focus on the process of preparing a professional portfolio to present to potential employers, 转学学校和艺术专业人士. This hands-on course is designed for students interested in pursuing a career in art, 设计或创意领域. Students will create a new body of art or design work in their chosen concentration (painting and drawing, 摄影及相关媒体, video, 版画, 陶瓷/雕塑, 计算机艺术, 和平面设计). 在整个课程中, 学生将学习如何组织, present and talk about their work as well as prepare resumes and artist statements. It is strongly recommended that students take this course the semester prior to applying to transfer institutions or before applying for jobs. 先决条件:至少一门艺术工作室课程. 秋天,春天. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月26日- 12月20日 Mon, Wed 下午1:30 - 3:25
工作室项目-绘画I - 4520
2621年艺术 – 3 credits
拿一个. 杰弗瑞

Students will build upon previous studio course experiences in advanced studio production courses under art faculty supervision. Students who have completed the basic and intermediate (as applicable) courses in drawing, 陶瓷, 摄影, 电子艺界, 设计或绘画, 可以注册一个, 两个, 或者每学期三个小时的工作室课程credits. Students are expected to spend 两个 hours in studio work each week for each credit hour anticipated. 工作室问题课程是由每个学生发起的, 和老师一起, creating an acceptable course outline and evaluation process for the work of the semester. In some cases, a group studio problem experience may be initiated by visual arts faculty. Students achieving 12 credit hours in art studio problems must obtain permission from the arts and humanities assistant dean to take additional coursework (for credit) in art. 先决条件:一个工作室的艺术课程在集中区域. 我偶尔. 院校课程大纲

— 十大外围足彩网站app
8月27日- 12月20日 星期二,星期四 上午10:15 -下午12:10
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